Here is your most important task today...

Marc Graboff is the man. He's the president of NBC West Coast and Universal Media Studios, and from my research, he is the person who can decide whether or not we see The Event return as a movie or mini-series.

His Twitter is @mgraboff, and based on the pattern I see for NBC Universal email addresses, his email address should be: If you want The Event back, send him an email, and do it TODAY. We can't waste anymore time.

Remember, be courteous. Be respectful. Be polite. Ask nicely, but be enthusiastic. Speak from the heart. Tell him why he should bring The Event back.

Do you want The Event to return? Here are a few ground rules to follow...

If you want to get The Event back on the air, here are a few key concepts you need to consider:
  1. It’s Business: Make no mistake - television shows are not on the air to entertain us. They are on the air to make the network and the production company that owns the rights to the show money, hopefully at a profit. If a show isn't profitable, it's not going to stay on the air. It's as plain and simple as that. It's also true for movies, music, publishing and even video games. Entertainment companies are not in the business to entertain you. It’s not art. They are in the business to make money, and if they do it while entertaining, then all the better, but a network’s primary way to make money is through ratings, and the advertising revenues they can generate as a result. 
  2. Stop biting the hands that have fed us: What a lot of people don't understand is that NBC and Universal Media Studios (the production company that produces and owns the rights to The Event) are, essentially, the same company. They share executives. When fans are bad mouthing NBC, you're basically bad mouthing the same company that produced the show in the first place. If you ever want a chance at The Event coming back, fans must stop the attacks on NBC. Fans who want the show back but insult the network and the executives are not only insulting NBC, but they are also insulting the very people who have a chance to find new life for The Event. I know, if it were me, I wouldn't go out of my way to consider changing a decision or green-lighting a new movie for fans of a show who are insulting me and my team of executives. It's just not constructive. If you want the show to return, be polite. Be respectful. 
  3. If you can help show that The Event can be profitable, do so: Some may read this and object, and I understand that to an extent. This is a somewhat unusual situation, in that the company that produces and owns the rights to The Event and the network that broadcasts The Event in the U.S. are basically the same company, but it is more common that it used to be. If you want to give The Event a better chance at returning, show it with your wallets. Buy episodes online. Pre-order the DVD and Blu-ray. Buy items from the NBC Universal Store. The soundtrack is also available on iTunes. These all help The Event look more attractive to return, since the bean counters can see more revenues result from the show.
  4. Stop focusing on the past: The Event has been canceled. Get over it. Stop going on about WHY NBC canceled it, or what NBC could have or should have done. Can you argue that Monday at 9PM was a bad time slot for The Event, going up against Dancing With The Stars? Sure, absolutely. Can you say that the three month hiatus was bad for ratings? Yes, sure. However, what does that solve? It's past history. You can’t go back in a time machine and change decisions that were made. In fact, I’d bet the producers and the network would both go back in time and make other decisions if they could. However, we live in fact, and time travel is science fiction, not science fact. What is done is done. It's like the old story of the high school quarterback that threw the interception late in the game that cost his team that championship, and then spends the next 25 years going over that in his head.
  5. Focus on the NOW, what IS reality: Here’s what IS true: The writers and actors of The Event are still under contract from NBC/Universal Media Studios. True, some of them have found other parts. I know about Blair Underwood on Broadway, and Zeljko Ivanek taking a role in a movie, as well as Nick Wauters working as a writer on The Vampire Diaries. Don’t take that to mean that they have been let out of their contracts. In fact, if you listen to the last episode of The EventCast, you’ll hear Jason Ritter explain just that. If I am interpreting things correctly, and I'm pretty sure that I am, Nick Wauters working on TVD also has no effect on bringing The Event back.
  6. Sources tell me that Steve Stark, Nick Wauters, and yes... even, believe it or not, supporters within NBC Universal are still actively looking to bring back The Event in a movie or mini-series form. If they can, and it's successful, it opens up the possibility for the show to return as a series in the following season. 
  7. Shows can be "un-canceled". There are many shows that were canceled that have returned. Star Trek is the most famous, but certainly not the only show that has done it. Jericho, Medium, Futurama, and Roswell are some recent examples, and there are many more. Even more shows came back in a new form, such as Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek (again, as Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the other shows that followed it). Nothing that has been decided has to stay that way. 
  8. Every fan counts; every fan can make a difference: You may not seem to be important, but every fan out there can make a difference. I am not affiliated with the show in any way, but countless people have thanked me for doing everything I can to save the show... but I am but one man. I am a man that sometimes works long hours, is married, and have a lot of mouths to feed and take care of, but I maintain this website. I post on Twitter and Facebook however and whenever I can, and I know I AM making a difference. So can you.
Tomorrow, June 27th, is the start of The Event for The Event. Join me, and fans everywhere, as we do everything we can to get our show back. More on that in my next post.

Contacting Syfy

I've got a bunch of posts, but I wanted to make a quick one after reading something...

It appears, from this post on TV By The Numbers that both Netflix and Syfy aren't interested in showing The Event. Now, in my opinion, Netflix, while innovative and kind of cool, seemed like a bit of a stretch, since they haven't shown any episodes there yet, and I would guess costs for the show would be higher than some less ambitious new show. Syfy, on the other hand... it's a perfect fit... at least you'd think it would be.

I'll add more to this post later... but for now, I just wanted to give you the email address. We should ALL email them, if you haven't already done so!

Phase 2: The Event Phone-In Campaign!

It's time to take this to this project to the next level!

It's now time to start flooding NBC with phone calls.

Call the NBC Switchboard! Call NBC in Burbank, CA at 818-840-4444 and tell them you want The Event to return for a second season!

I've also found a couple of other contacts for The Event publicity:

Jamie French
NBC Entertainment Publicity
(818) 777-2835
Project Assignment: "Chuck", "Parenthood", "Perfect Couples", "The Event", "Friday Night Lights", "The Voice"

Akiva Griffith
Junior Press Manager
NBC Entertainment Publicity
(818) 777-3096
Project Assignment: "Chuck", "The Event"

My guess is that Akiva Griffith is the one that is handling all the correspondence coming in from The Event and Chuck fans wanting those shows to be renewed. In any case, it's time to start peppering them with phone calls. Tell them you want a second season of The Event!

Lastly, here's the contact for NBC Entertainment Publicity (Jamie & Akiva's boss):

Rebecca Marks
Executive Vice President, Publicity

The Event Write-In Campaign to NBC, sweetened by Splenda!

UPDATED on May 8, 2011!!!

Blair Underwood gave an email on a post where we should email if we want The Event for a season 2.

"If you'd like to see another season of "The Event," please show your love by sending your shout outs to Vernon Sanders, Executive VP of Current Programming for NBC/Universal Media Studios. They need to hear from us, so they know you're out there! Mail letters to: NBC/Universal Media Studio c/o Vernon Sanders 100 Universal City Plaza Building 1320 Suite 4M Universal City, CA 91608 or email".

If you're like me, the possibility of The Event being canceled after season one is quite a concern to you, but why should you just let the decision be made without telling NBC know how you feel about the show??? If we do nothing, and the show is canceled, why wait for its cancellation to send in a letter to NBC? Why not send them what we think NOW, when it's needed the most?

In the past, many shows were saved with write-in campaigns. One of the first and most famous is the original Star Trek. Some will tell you that they don't work, but Chuck, Dollhouse, Reaper, Jericho, and Roswell are recent examples where a letter campaign worked for at least one season.

So that's the first part of this post, let's start writing in NBC right now and let them know that we want them to bring back the show for season 2!!!

Here's the second part: Some successful campaigns, in addition to letters, had fans send in something to the network. In Jericho's case, fans sent in nuts. In Roswell's case, fans sent in Tabasco sauce. In Chuck's case, fans sent in Nerds candy. This is not a guarantee that a fan effort will succeed, but networks can at least know that people are watching and care about the show and there was an organized effort to save the show.

If you are caught up with the show, you probably know that...


Martinez was poisoned by Jarvis and Sophia using a yellow packet of sweetener, which was very similar in design to what is called Splenda in the U.S. and many other parts of the world. Splenda is a brand name of the artificial sweetener Sucralose, so you may know it by another brand name where you live. The actual sweetener brand you see in the episodes ("Cut Off The Head" and "Strain") is called "Sure Sweet", but that's a fake Hollywood name, and it was effectively Splenda.

Now, for the details (some of this is borrowed from the 2009 Chuck campaign, as shown here, but also from my own research and experiences):
  1. WRITE your letter... I'll try to give you an example of what you should say in the letter, but MAKE IT YOUR OWN. Don't use what I have as a form letter. Personalize it.
  2. Tell the network something about yourself, particularly if you may be in an attractive demographic. They want to know what kind of people are watching their shows, and giving them an idea of who's writing in can help sway their decisions. For example, if you belong to a demographic they didn't realize they were reaching, that might help them realize the show has an audience they didn't know about. 
  3. If at all possible, WRITE THE LETTER IN YOUR HANDWRITING. That's right, write in pen. That might seem counter-intuitive, but in a world where people tweet and text message, where an email seems too much trouble, a hand-written letter will make an impression. It shows that you took the time to write the letter, and that it meant something personal to you. If writing by hand is just something you cannot do, print your letter on good paper, even on letterhead if possible, and sign it. If writing by hand, you may want to practice write it, or type it out first and then write out the final version.
  4. If you don't have time to write out a letter, send in a post card. A post card will have more effect than an email.
  5. BE RESPECTFUL!!! Do not threaten to never watch NBC again. That's not something they want to read.
  6. State your heartfelt love for The Event. Don't just say that you want The Event to be renewed. Tell them why you want it to stay on the air.
  7. Be specific about the show. If you like certain actors, praise them. If you like episodes written by a certain writer, praise them. If you like certain characters, praise them. If you have criticisms about the show, don't be afraid to mention them, but don't use this letter as a big, long winded analysis of the show. Be specific, but the focus of the letter should be that you want the The Event to be renewed, and not your critique of it.
  8. WHO DO YOU WRITE TO? That's a big question. If you follow Apple, you know that Steve Jobs answers his own email, and if you email him, he'll answer you. That's why it's important to send your letter to the head honcho: Send your letters to:

    UPDATE: Blair Underwood posted this on Facebook, on May 5, 2011:


    If you'd like to see another season of "The Event," please show your love by sending your shout outs to Vernon Sanders, Executive Vice President of Current Programming for NBC/Universal Media Studios. They need to hear from us, so they know you're out there! Mail letters to:

    NBC/Universal Media Studios
    c/o Vernon Sanders
    100 Universal City Plaza
    Building 1320
    Suite 4M
    Universal City, CA 91608


    With that in mind, I would suggest you send your letters to Vernon Sanders, as Blair suggested, but there's nothing wrong with Robert Greenblatt, either (his boss):

    Original Address Given:

    Robert Greenblatt, Chairman
    NBC Entertainment
    c/o NBC's The Event
    3000 W. Alameda Ave
    Admin Building
    Burbank, CA 91523

    There's nothing wrong with sending in a second letter if you, like me, have already sent in your letter.

  9. If you are not from the U.S., it doesn't matter. Write NBC anyway, but it wouldn't hurt to send another letter to the network or TV station that shows The Event where you are so that they know that the show has fans.
  10. Don't mention that you DVR the show to fast forward through the commercials, if you do so. That will NOT help the show. In fact, that may hurt its chances. However, it's OK to say that you DVR the show, but it should be in addition to watching the show live.
  11. To that end, commit to buying products advertised during the show. If you have any specifics about the commercials airing during The Event, that would be nice to mention in the letter.
  12. IF NBC RENEWS The Event, send in another letter to the network, THANKING THEM for renewing the show.
  13. IF NBC CANCELS The Event, send in another letter, asking them to reconsider, even if its for a short season or a mini-series.
  14. If you are planning to send in Splenda, you may add packets of Splenda or boxes of it. It is up to you, but you should make it obvious what it is you are sending.
Here is an example of a letter, which is my own (I'm going to add a little more personal information to the version that I send out). I'm leaving certain parts blank.
Dear Mr. Greenblatt, 
{First paragraph - about you and why you are writing them} My name is Brian, I’m (age) and I watch The Event on (channel/network). I (add personal information here). {Personalize} I’m writing you to let you know that I am a huge fan of NBC’s The Event. I love the show, and I really hope you renew the series for a second season.
{Second paragraph - how you got into the show, and how you watch the show. This should be personalized. Make this your own!} I originally became interested in the show while watching commercials for it in the summer of 2010. I didn't watch Lost when it was on the air. I missed the premiere, and never got into it until I watched it later on Netflix and Hulu, and watched it in its entirety. I had been looking for a serial I could get into from the beginning, and The Event looked like it. I found a couple of podcasts that were covering the show, started listening to those, and I started visiting regularly to see if any new information had been posted about the show. Since its premiere on September 20th, I have watched the show religiously. I usually watch episodes live on the air, though I am recording it on my TiVo, so I can discuss the show over Twitter. I'll then watch it again later that evening via TiVo, and then yet again on from my computer and from Hulu Plus on my Roku once they've been added.
{Third paragraph - why you like the show. This should be personalized. Make it your own!} I love the mixture of science fiction, action, espionage, romance, and political thriller of The Event - it's a truly unique mix. The show's cast is one of the best on television. Blair Underwood, Jason Ritter, Željko Ivanek, Laura Innes, Bill Smitrovich and Taylor Cole are fanastic on the show, as are the rest of the cast members - too many to mention. Also great were Clifton Collins, Jr. and Hal Holbrook, and I was sorry to see them go, as well as shocked that the producers killed them off, but that shows bold storytelling. The writers have created a complex yet extremely compelling story arc, and I cannot wait to see where things go next. It was torturous not to have the show on during December, January and February, and I waited quite impatiently for it to return. I keep trying to predict the next move. It's a show I've had some great conversations at work about, and I've turned on several people to the show, as well as enticed some people that were giving up on the show, that had gotten behind on the episodes, to catch up and watch all of the episodes... and they became hooked just like I am. In fact, I have become so hooked that I started a website called, where I blog and post articles about the show, as well as becoming known on Twitter as @TheEventFanatic. As such a big fan, I’m doing all I can to get the word out about my favorite show, but my since my household is not a Nielsen family, there's only so much I can do. I’ve also become an active member of as well as TheEventCast, We Want a Second Season of The EventThe Event Online Facebook fan pages, other fan websites, and I've also contributed to both the What is The Event and The Eventcast podcasts.
{Address criticisms - optional} I know the show has had its detractors, and there were some valid criticisms about the show, particularly the overuse of flashbacks in the first half, although I did not find them confusing as some did, and there have been some plot holes or conveniences that drive the plot. I believe the writers in the second half of the season have improved the pacing and the overall storytelling, and those that gave up on the show are really missing out now.  The show isn't perfect, but I am not expecting perfection. I expect a good story, and an entertaining one, and I have that in The Event.
The Event has been in one of the toughest time slots on television, and while ratings aren't what they were at the start of the season, the show has developed a loyal following that I believe is not reflected in the ratings. Many of us time shift or store those episodes to watch later and do so after the seven days that show up on the Nielsen ratings. Many of them are catching up now, and I expect ratings to go up in the month of May. 
{Why they should renew the show - recommended} Many shows struggle in their first season. 24 and The X-Files, two shows that The Event share some similarities, both struggled to find an audience in their first season. The X-Files didn't take off until season 3. The Event fans everywhere, please give the show a chance at a second season.  If you cannot find room on the schedule, please consider bringing back The Event as a mid-season replacement. In some ways, bringing The Event back later in the season may prove better than in September. A DVD/Blue-ray release, along with Netflix streaming, may allow new fans to start watching the show, as could happen if you have Syfy air episodes over the summer and into the fall until the new season starts. If you do renew the show, I believe that the show would do better if the episodes could air in succession, without a break.
{Prop - optional} As I am sure you know, President Martinez was poisoned using a packet of sweetener. With that in mind, please accept this box of Splenda sweetener in support of a second season of The Event!

Brian Meloche
That's the long version. A shorter version would be to focus on the fact that you love the show and want the network to renew it. The short version is perfect for post cards or a single sheet of paper.

If you have any comments on improving this, or questions, please post them in the comments.

Episode 1.19: Us or Them - Aired 5/2/2011


05/02/2011 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday) : IN A RACE FOR THEIR LIVES -- ROGER BART GUEST STARS -- The White House grapples with the unfolding tragedy as Sterling (Željko Ivanek) continues the investigation into his primary suspect. Sophia (Laura Innes) manipulates the traitor inside the White House, confirming the suspicions of Chief of Staff Peel (guest star Roger Bart, "Desperate Housewives"). Leila (Sarah Roemer) and Michael (Scott Patterson) attempt to rescue Simon (Ian Anthony Dale), but at tremendous personal risk. Elsewhere, Sean (Jason Ritter) and Vicky (Taylor Cole) try to identify Sophia's secret courier before it's too late. Blair Underwood, Bill Smitrovich, and Lisa Vidal also star.

Taken from: SpoilerTV

Episode 1.18: Strain - Aired 4/25/2011

04/25/2011 (09:00PM - 10:\00PM) (Monday) : TRAITORS AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL -- ROGER BART GUEST STARS -- The White House is rocked by the sudden illness of one of their own, leaving Chief of Staff Peel (guest star Roger Bart, "Desperate Housewives") and Sterling (Željko Ivanek) to investigate possible conspirators. Michael Buchanan (Scott Patterson) comes to the aid of Leila (Sarah Roemer), but it leaves them both at risk of Sophia's wrath. Across the globe in Russia, Sean (Jason Ritter) and Vicky (Taylor Cole) race to stop Sophia's weapon from being loaded onto a plane heading to the United States. Blair Underwood, Ian Anthony Dale, Bill Smitrovich, and Lisa Vidal also star.

Source: NBC Entertainment

This post was updated April 29, 2011.

Episode 1.20: One Will Live, One Will Die - Aired 5/9/2011



05/09/2011 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday) : DOUBLE AGENT WITH A COUNTER AGENT -- ROGER BART GUEST STARS -- With doubt still surrounding the tragedy at the White House, Sterling (Željko Ivanek) encounters an unlikely ally in Simon (Ian Anthony Dale), who risks his life to return with a possible antidote. Against the wishes of Chief of Staff Richard Peel (guest star Roger Bart, "Desperate Housewives"), Jarvis (Bill Smitrovich) authorizes an air strike to neutralize them. Meanwhile, Sophia (Laura Innes) continues on her diabolical plan to exterminate the human race, now with the help of an unwitting accomplice -- Leila (Sarah Roemer). Elsewhere, Sean (Jason Ritter) and Vicky (Taylor Cole) try to prevent the deaths of many thousands of innocent people. Blair Underwood and Lisa Vidal also star.

Source: NBC Entertainment

Episode 1.21: The Beginning of The End - Aired 5/16/2011



05/16/2011 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday) : A TRIUMPHANT RETURN – ROGER BART GUEST STARS -- President Martinez (Blair Underwood) makes a triumphant albeit shaky return to the White House, determined to punish the traitors who conspired against him. Sophia (Laura Innes) forges ahead with her plan, while battling a new enemy -- the guilt that has begun to plague her. Sean (Jason Ritter) and Vicky (Taylor Cole) form an impromptu team with Sterling (Željko Ivanek) and Simon (Ian Anthony Dale) in order to track down Sophia's headquarters and stop her before the destruction of all human life. Sarah Roemer, Bill Smitrovich, and Lisa Vidal also star.

Source: NBC Entertainment

Episode 1.22: Arrival - To air 5/23/2011



05/23/2011 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday) : IN A RACE TO STOP THE VIRUS -- ROGER BART AND ROMA MAFFIA GUEST STAR -- The White House is gripped by a power struggle of historic proportions, pitting Martinez (Blair Underwood) and Chief of Staff Peel (guest star Roger Bart, "Desperate Housewives") against Jarvis (Bill Smitrovich) and his secret ally, Sophia (Laura Innes). Elsewhere, Sean (Jason Ritter), Vicky (Taylor Cole), Sterling (Željko Ivanek), and Simon (Ian Anthony Dale) race to stop the dispersion points for the virus. Meanwhile, Leila (Sarah Roemer) fights for her life. But it all may be too late -- as the portal begins to open, sending tremors across the globe. Lisa Vidal also stars.

Source: NBC Entertainment

Is the First Lady an alien?

She's definitely got a secret, and it isn't she's Dominican.

She's either an alien or a hybrid, but I am guessing she was born here.

Is she the mole? Perhaps, but I think that's a little too easy to go there.

What do you think?

Background: The Book of Enoch

Over the last couple of episodes, especially "Face Off", I have been working on a theory behind the show, in order to try to predict what "The Event" is, and key points behind the story.

My current theory is that "The Event" is based on The Book of Enoch. If you've never heard of it, it's not considered official canon in either the Christian or Jewish Old Testaments, but it is considered canon in Ethiopian and Eritrean denominations. Within the Book of Enoch is "The Book of the Watchers", angels who fathered the Nephilim by mating with human females. I'll explain the Nephilim elsewhere.

Before I tell you my current theory, I should give you a background on the Book of Enoch and how I understand it. I want to explain that I am not a biblical scholar, nor have I read all of the Enoch myself (I have read some of it that I was able to find online). I am basing this on what I have read, on interpretations I have read, and watched from online sources. Please don't take this background as an explanation of The Book of Enoch. It's not meant to be. It's simply what I am using to explain the basis of my theory of what is going on in The Event.

As recorded in the Bible, Enoch is the great-grandfather of Noah. So, Enoch could be telling the story of Noah, but there are several parallels to The Event, which I want to share.

OK, now for the Book of Enoch, courtesy of

Chapter 1:

  1. The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be
  2. living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come.
Enoch = Elias Martinez. Blessed the elect? That sounds like an elected president to me!!! Martinez believed that the detainees should be freed, since they had done nothing wrong - a righteous man, saw the vision of the Holy One - the aliens - in the heavens - another star.

We don't know who the "Holy One" is yet. It could be several characters: Sean, Leila, Sophia, Simon. Perhaps "The Event" happens in the distant future? Or we are simply talking about the old Enoch.

Let's continue...
  1. Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable concerning them:
    The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling,
  2. And the eternal God will tread upon the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai,
    [And appear from His camp]
    And appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens.
  3. And all shall be smitten with fear
    And the Watchers shall quake,
    And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth.
The Holy Great One = Sophia? And the eternal God will tread upon the earth... I haven't been able to figure out the next two lines completely, but appearing in the strength of His might could either mean the aliens coming from NGC 253 or the Sentinels - Dempsey's people - who come in... I don't know yet.

Section 5 could mean Martinez's strike at those buses and the fact that they need to bring their people to Earth could explain the fact that Sophia's now ready for an all out war to take over the Earth.
  1. And the high mountains shall be shaken,
    And the high hills shall be made low,
    And shall melt like wax before the flame
  2. And the earth shall be wholly rent in sunder,
    And all that is upon the earth shall perish,
    And there shall be a judgement upon all (men).
This would suggest a cataclysmic event where a weapon is unleashed, leveling cities, killing everything on earth, leading to a judgement day.
  1. But with the righteous He will make peace.

    And will protect the elect,
    And mercy shall be upon them.

    And they shall all belong to God,
    And they shall be prospered,
    And they shall all be blessed.

    And He will help them all,
    And light shall appear unto them,
    And He will make peace with them'.
  2. And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones
    To execute judgement upon all,
    And to destroy all the ungodly:

    And to convict all flesh
    Of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed,
    And of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.
I'm not going to try to make too much sense of this part yet, but it suggests that perhaps some will be saved, that the "ungodly" will be destroyed (Nephilim? Fallen angels? Aliens? Hybrids?) and that perhaps the things that the aliens brought to us covertly, technology, would also be destroyed. I'm not sure about the last line...

What do you think? That's Chapter 1... There are more relevant chapters, though not all are... I'll get to those later. This is a start!

My Current Theory

This post is a work in progress... new update on 4/6.

I'll try to give you the short version of what I think The Event is, and what I think is being represented.

To try to understand and predict The Event, I've been doing a lot of research on the End Times as written in the Book of Revelation, Book of Enoch (not considered canon by most religious sects) and several other texts, both in the Bible and out. I'm not looking for a one-to-one mapping as much as looking for a rough correlation of how The Event might be a modern telling of the End Times, from what I am guessing is a non-denominational, non-religious perspective. Here's my interpretation so far.

My current theory is that the aliens are angels, what the Bible and the Book of Enoch called "The Watchers", and those that assimilated into society, the "Sleepers", are fallen angels. They created alien/human offspring, or what the Bible calls the "Nephilim", which, according to what is in the Book of Enoch, destroy the world. Now, I haven't figured out HOW they destroy the world yet, but if Nick Wauters and the writing team are telling a modern version of this story, the Nephilim destroy the world.

Alternate Theory: The aliens are not angels, but are, in fact, the Nephilim.

The aliens have come to Earth, it seems, to observe, or at least that was their initial purpose. We know from episode 1 ("I Haven't Told You Everything") that the aliens know of "The Event", which we can theorize it is something that changes the world forever. We can assume it's in a negative way, or at least we can interpret it as such, because Simon says that they could at least prepare if Martinez was told. We know the aliens have a Star Trek-like "Prime Directive", where they are not supposed to effect the natural evolution of this planet. However, Thomas and the Sleepers violated this Prime Directive while Sophia and the detainees were locked up in Inostranka for the past 66 years. They advanced our technology, and one could say polluted our history, and even our genetic pool. As of episodes 14-16, the aliens have abandoned this Prime Directive and are planning to bring down all two billion of their people in a very short amount of time. Now, they knew about "The Event", but they are still bringing down their people. The Earth can't handle an extra two billion people all at once. This is war. However, this doesn't explain "The Event". Could this be "another event" or just an advancement of what the event was, just a lot faster and a lot less gradual than what they were expecting. That also doesn't explain Sophia's original plan to bring everyone home.

We know that the aliens and humans are close enough genetically that inter-species mating is possible. In fact, it seems to be common. We have yet to see alien females mating with human males. I assume we'll know if that's possible in future episodes.

The aliens are what humans have referred to over history as angels. As our religious texts would indicate, angels have watched over us. If we take what Dempsey has said as truth, the aliens have been with us for some time. If that is the case, it is most likely that aliens and humans have been making hybrids for thousands of years. In other words, it's likely that we're all hybrids.

In the Bible, angels who mated with human females created giants called Nephilim. In the cave drawing, the large figure shown in the drawing could be a giant, and we're lead to believe that the human figures in the drawings are "guardian angels."

SPOILER ALERT: From the coming on episode 16, we can see that Martinez is going to have Senator Lewis to perform DNA tests on the White House staff. What I am guessing is that the results will come back to indicate we all have alien DNA. I haven't figured out why The First Lady might not be willing to take the test, except to ask "what does it matter?"

Who is Sean Walker?

This post is a work in progress...

Let's discuss Sean Walker for a moment. What do we know about him? Beyond that, who is he? Let's speculate!!!

We know he's got mad skillz. He's a computer whiz kid, an MIT graduate. He's also a great improviser. He also appears to be quite fast. Perhaps he's not super-humanly fast, but fast nonetheless.

In episode 1 ("I Haven't Told You Everything"), Michael Buchanan gives Sean his blessing to marry Leila. You could argue that he's gotten to know Sean over the past five years that Sean and Leila have been together, but perhaps it's more than that.

In episode 2 ("To Keep Us Safe"), Sean is recovered in the desert. He is severely dehydrated, after what sounds like a long time out there. That would kill most people, yet Sean recovers, and quite quickly. Michael Buchanan says, "only YOU can find her!" Now, WHY is that true? After 16 episodes (at the time of this writing), that seems to have more potential meaning than I thought at first.

In episode 4 ("A Matter of Life and Death"), in a flashback to Sean and Leila's first Thanksgiving together, Sean tells Leila, Michael and (mother) Buchanan that his parents split up when he was young. According to The Event's official wiki, "Sean notes that he has not really spoken with his parents since he left high school--that his parents split when he was a kid, that his mother was not well, and his father fell apart and began drinking after the separation." Now, this appears to be an innocuous comment, that he comes from a broken home, but perhaps it's more. At the time, we don't know of Michael's true life that we discover later in episode 6 ("Loyalty") that he's been researching Inostranka, and by episode 10 ("Everything Will Change"), that's he's a non-human.

Is it possible that Michael knows more about Sean than Sean knows about himself?

So, who is Sean? What is Sean? Is he human? Is he alien? Is he an angel? A hybrid? Is he a sentinel? What do you think?

Stay tuned for more...

Episode 1.17: Cut Off The Head - To air 4/18/2011

04/18/2011 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday) : A BETRAYAL OF THE HIGHEST MAGNITUDE -- VIRGINIA MADSEN GUEST STARS -- Vice President Jarvis (Bill Smitrovich) vocalizes his lack of faith in President Martinez's (Blair Underwood) leadership and agrees to meet with an adversary. Senator Catherine Lewis (guest star Virginia Madsen, "Sideways") reports the findings of her surreptitious blood testing of the White House staff only to find one holdout, someone very close to the President. Sophia (Laura Innes) pushes forward in her search for a super weapon. And, after witnessing injustices within the Sleeper community, Leila (Sarah Roemer) begins to question where she belongs. Elsewhere, Sean (Jason Ritter) and Vicky (Taylor Cole) find whom they've been hunting for, but it may be too late. Ian Anthony Dale, Scott Patterson, Željko Ivanek, and Lisa Vidal also star.

Source: NBC Entertainment

The following video links to, so you may not be able to watch this video outside the U.S.

Episode 1.16: You Bury Other Things Too

04/04/2011 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday):

WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS -- VIRGINIA MADSEN AND HAL HOLBROOK GUEST STAR – Sophia (Laura Innes) and the other Sleepers mourn their losses after negotiations are derailed. While observing Simon's (Ian Anthony Dale) reaction to the events, Sterling (Željko Ivanek) begins to doubt his loyalties and devises a test. President Martinez (Blair Underwood) tasks Senator Catherine Lewis (guest star Virginia Madsen, "Sideways") with rooting out any other moles within the White House. Elsewhere, Sean (Jason Ritter) and Vicky (Taylor Cole) are on the verge of tracking down Dempsey (guest star Hal Holbrook, "Water for Elephants"), but it may be exactly what he was anticipating. Sarah Roemer, Clifton Collins, Jr., Scott Patterson, Bill Smitrovich, and Lisa Vidal also star.

Source: NBC Entertainment

Episode 1.15: Face Off

03/28/2011 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday) (already aired at the time of writing):

NEGOTIATIONS ENSUE FOR THE RELEASE OF SLEEPERS – HAL HOLBROOK GUEST STARS – President Martinez (Blair Underwood) and Blake Sterling (Zeljko Ivanek) have the Sleepers surrounded, but after Sophia (Laura Innes) triggers a national disaster, negotiations ensue. Elsewhere, with a lead on the whereabouts of Dempsey (guest star Hal Holbrook, "Water for Elephants"), Sean (Jason Ritter) and Vicky (Taylor Cole) continue on their mission. Sarah Roemer, Ian Anthony Dale, Clifton Collins, Jr., Scott Patterson, Bill Smitrovich and Lisa Vidal also star.

Source: NBC Entertainment

Background: The Nephilim

The Nephilim are mentioned in Genesis, Numbers and the Book of Enoch. There are a few interpretations of the Nephilim, but for The Event, I am postulating that the Nephilim are the offspring of the "Sleepers" and man.

As explained in Genesis 6:1-4 (taken from the Wikipedia article):
  1. When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
  2. the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
  3. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
  4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Now, based on what we saw in episode 15 ("Face Off"), where Dempsey shows us the chamber and tells us about how guardian angels are real, we can hypothesize that the Nephilim symbolize the alien/human hybrids, the Leilas and Samanthas of the world. My guess, at this point, is that they're just the tip of the iceberg, and that there are thousands, and possibly millions or even billions of people, are Nephilim.

If the Sleepers have been around for some time, as is indicated in "Face Off", it's very possible that most or even ALL humans on the planet are alien/human hybrids.

Welcome to The Event Fanatic Website!

Hello, and welcome to my new website!

I decided to create this blog to promote, talk about and discuss NBC's series The Event, which has become my favorite show on television! Specifically, the intent of this blog is to try to figure out what The Event is, by assembling clues from the show, website content on and the show's official conspiracy blog, as well as research I've done and theories I've seen proposed elsewhere.

I'm creating this blog a little late in season 1, after episode 15 ("Face Off") aired in North America earlier this week, to help promote the show, which is in a bit of an underdog position right now for renewal for a season 2. I want to do whatever I can, so I figured I'd start with this blog, as well as my Twitter account - @TheEventFanatic. I want to try to make sense of the show for loyal fans, viewers who maybe watched the show at the start and are tuning back in, wanting to figure out what's been going on since, and those just discovering the show for the first time.

I also want to publish what I have pieced together mythology and theories myself and several others have been piecing together in order to figure out what's going on, in the hope of hyping the show. Ratings aren't what they could be, but a buzz seems to be building after "Face Off" and I'm hoping the fans can get word of mouth out there and boost ratings so The Event will be renewed by NBC for a season 2.

I've got a podcast, which has been dormant in recent months, called CFConversations, which covers the ColdFusion programming language and related topics. I also have a personal blog and a Twitter account - @coofuushun, if you want to follow me. I may start recording bits for other podcasts, and if the show picks up for a season 2, who knows, perhaps I'll join a podcast or start one of my own...